2009年5月3日 星期日


網上有很多狗餅recipe, 看似不難, 於是買齊材料, 學人家焗狗餅.

我對焗餅是一點經驗也沒有, 連曲奇餅也沒試過, 自己都有點擔心做不來.

由於是給狗狗吃, 我完全沒有添加多餘用料, 牛油和 糖一概沒放.

首先篩好麵粉, 加入燕麥 (令狗狗腸胃好一點)

我加了一點蘋果, 增加狗餅的香味.


加入雞蛋和蘋果茸, 之後開始搓麵團.

搓了很久, 都搓不到麵團, 只搓成糊, 最後還是要致電朋友求救 (原來粉不夠).
一面加粉一面再搓, 最後就搓了一塊麵團.

家中只有心形餅模 (兩, 三年前為做狗餅而買, 還是第一次用, 自己都忍不住笑, 瞎浪漫!)

為了餅餅色澤好一點, 掃了一層蛋漿 (又是藉口, 狗狗才不管餅乾是否好看)

製成品 (焦了一點, 可能推麵團時推得不勻, 有些餅太薄, 過火了)



我掙扎了很久, 終於也嘗了一塊狗餅, 嘩! 出奇的難吃! 淡而無味, 又硬, 完全不是曲奇餅的口感, 也許沒有牛油吧. 不過狗狗又挺喜歡.

至於我這兩天吃什麼? 當然是我最愛的海鮮




蟹肉粟米湯 (是真的蟹肉, 不是蟹柳)


Yummy yummy!


四天後, 貓貓就不能再跳上電視機上睡覺, 因為我剛買了部42吋LCD電視 (貓貓們: 噢! Too bad!)

9 則留言:

Yiu Yiu 提到...

very yummy dinner, you really like prawn!  and all dishes looks yummy
I am very tired after the trip and just prepare 罐頭cream mushroom soup + toast for lunch and 五香肉丁米 for dinner tonite.very lazy
P.S. the doggie looks fat ah!  he is so lucky to have mama's home made biscuit.  hope the cats are not jealous. 
[版主回覆05/04/2009 00:24:00]豆豆 was in fact a bit underweight before.  Now he starts to eat more and gains much weight.  That's good for him cos' I don't want him to be too feeble.  He really loves the biscult I made and is always looking at me, like saying "Can I have more?"
I like seafood a lot, esp. crab and shrimp.  I don't always cook seafood as the cholesterol is quite high.
You should rest more.  I know you didn't feel well before.  Or can you ask Pig BB to cook for you?

阿寶 提到...

岩啦, 我老公正在研究邊隻高清好, 妳買邊隻、幾$? 或者去我果便私留呀!

BB 提到...

住 SK 真係好, 可以日日買 FRESH SEAFOOD
[版主回覆05/04/2009 01:10:00]唔係呀, sogo超級市場買, 拆好哂啦, 一pack好多架, 我咁懶

Sam 提到...

下次開飯call我..... (我唔係要食狗餅呀@@)
just kidding...^^
[版主回覆05/04/2009 01:44:00]You are always welcome! Haha!

Deer 提到...

wow...homemade dog biscuit seems healthy with no sugar & butter. Glad to know your dog likes it  
All dishes u made look yummy...I love seafood too!    
[版主回覆05/07/2009 12:39:00]Yes, he really loves it, but to be frank, I didn't find it tasty at all.
Maybe next time we can have a gathering having seafood.!

Deer 提到...

haha, Seafood gathering. Sounds wonderful!
Why the cats love to climb on TV? i saw the same thing at my friend's home.  & it's a good idea to replace with a LCD TV
[版主回覆05/08/2009 15:51:00]I remember they had a crab gathering last year, but I was not able to attend.  Did you go?
I think cats love climbing on the TV because the TV is warm.  Cats love warm area, that's why they love sunbathing.  My cats love hanging around at the modem, Hi-Fi, stove...好鬼識嘆

W 提到...

Yum.....One of my cats used to like prawns and MacDonald's chips!
[版主回覆05/09/2009 23:25:00]My cats have never tried human food except that stolen by them.

Deer 提到...

No, i didn't go for crab dinner. The first time gathering was the Hot Pot  Hope there will be another gathering soon!
[版主回覆05/09/2009 23:24:00]Yes, I'll tell BB about our wish.

BabyJo 提到...

WOHO, all food must taste good (even the dog bis) Coz they are all made with LOVE ma
[版主回覆05/15/2009 12:03:00]Thx.