I love the mat... I saw it in Red Carrot today... you know what, it is exactly the same one (I remember the brown runner) and it costs $580. crazy. [版主回覆01/14/2009 00:00:00]The original price at Q-Pet is also $500 something. I bought the mat during promotion! I think the promotion lasted for quite a long time.
6 則留言:
[版主回覆01/10/2009 18:44:00]我就o黎患上右邊身癱瘓症,因為長期俾佢地壓住
仲有對腳,由大脾到小腿,可以瞓三隻貓 =.="
哈哈, 好搞笑呀!! 你果區會唔會比市區更冷呀?? 好少見 kitten 著衫, 佢地係肯唔肯著衫呀?
[版主回覆01/11/2009 18:58:00]唔肯著衫呀,一著左就發癲,不過我長期打開房門,佢地可以捐入被竇訓
They are just gorgeous!! I think you may need two electric blankets for them.
[版主回覆01/11/2009 18:57:00]Actually I got two.
I love the mat... I saw it in Red Carrot today... you know what, it is exactly the same one (I remember the brown runner) and it costs $580. crazy.
[版主回覆01/14/2009 00:00:00]The original price at Q-Pet is also $500 something. I bought the mat during promotion! I think the promotion lasted for quite a long time.
三隻貓仔, 好識嘢!!!
佢地咁都得.... 好cute~