今天是寶寶初次與我家貓貓見面的日子. 我們也期待這天已久了, 其實我自己一直都想把這一天推遲, 因為我知道寶寶一出來, 我家貓貓大都會發狂, 不過, 總不能永遠關著寶寶吧!
先看看寶寶的近照, 這些照片都是寶寶出來玩時替他拍的
寶寶今天出來, 一如我所料, 大家反應都很大, 不停的互相發出敵意的聲音, Shomo甚至於寶寶打了起來, 弄得一地都是貓毛, 不過經過一輪熱身, 總算沒有七國大封相!
這是寶寶首次進入我睡房 (我不太敢開燈, 唯有用閃光)
八卦的寶寶跳上我的床 (好大的膽子啊!)
這是寶寶跟冬瓜見面的情況 (其他拍不到了, 走來走去都無法對焦)
從今天起, 在我們看管下, 我會每天放寶寶出來走動, 我想, 只要相處多一點時間, 敵意會慢慢消失.
(我們發現, 身為男孩子的寶寶, 對女兒家態度好一點, 不過, 冬瓜和妹妹可不會對寶寶客氣.)
10 則留言:
寶寶真係好靚仔!!! 開頭見面大家係會緊張d啦...最緊要係寶寶肯周圍走走 "登"你開心!!
[版主回覆03/24/2009 12:22:00]寶寶真係好靚靚, 而家佢仲同我班貓互相仇視緊, 希望快d做到朋友啦.
原來寶寶仲未同妳班babies say hello架? 佢入室好耐了!
[版主回覆03/24/2009 12:20:00]係呀, 由佢入室, 到我地可以摸佢, 用左個幾月, 摸到佢到抱到佢, 又用左一段時間, 抱到佢後, 再等左一排先敢放佢入袋帶佢睇醫生.
睇完醫生, 話佢眼仔發炎, 於是又隔離多一排, 前後攪左四個幾月.
不過佢地未say hello, 仲係停留喺: "o靚仔, 你邊度黎架, 唔識死走入黎住?" 呢個階段lor.
I am surprised to see it is the 1st time they meet. So happy to see Bo Bo getting bigger in size (under your care and love). He looks so handsome! m sure all the cats will accept the new addition to the family and live happily together... just be patient and let them "social" for a while first. By the way, Bo Bo got desex already?
[版主回覆03/24/2009 12:17:00]Yes, Bobo is desexed. I took him to the vet last time for a medical checkup. I hope they can get along well cos' they are still not on good terms now, that I got to keep an eye on them, and I don't want Bobo to have a feeling that all the cats discrimiate him.
of course, it takes time.... they are all good cats and they willl not discriminate one another.... they know papa and mama is working hard to love all of them (not easy, 7 cats and 1 dog, aiya.... not easy) . You talk to them one by one and let them understand, it may help (some ppl think it is silly but I think they really listen).
[版主回覆03/24/2009 16:30:00]I agree with you. I keep on talking to my cats every day in the way I talk to people. I don't care if they understand or not, but I just love talking to them. Hope they don't find their mama annoying.
Im sure they will get along after some time. My two younger cats join us when the two older one is 8. They hate those 2 jumping around little one soooo much! Sonner or later they are chasing around and sharing food.
By the way, i talk to my babies too! Am sure they understand what i am saying especially when i said "Go to sleep la!" and they all join into my bed together at night
[版主回覆03/29/2009 23:19:00]Thank you so much for sharing your experience. I'll let you know once they become friends.
[版主回覆03/29/2009 23:17:00]有限度既身體接觸都可以, 但打得太勁, 就怕佢地受傷lor
太好啦, 寶寶終於正式加入你既大家庭了
[版主回覆03/29/2009 23:16:00]哈哈, 係呀, 但仲有排攪, 過左幾日都未係好fd.
[版主回覆03/29/2009 23:16:00]驚一開燈嚇一嚇佢就走左
[版主回覆03/29/2009 23:15:00]係呀, 貓真係好得意架!
WOW....charming blue eyes!!! And he has beautiful hair....I want to touch him^^
[版主回覆04/05/2009 00:12:00]Heehee, Bobo is indeed a very handsome boy!