2009年4月17日 星期五


寶寶的品種一向是個謎, 他外表極像布偶, 可惜布偶卻沒有短毛品種.

之前我有朋友到泰國旅行, 沿途拍了這些照片給我看.


是否毛的長短和顏色和泰國某種街貓有九成相似? 還有那對藍眼睛.
難道寶寶源於泰國? 哈哈! 有趣極了!

6 則留言:

Yiu Yiu 提到...

寶寶呀寶寶 ... 你偷偷地話俾貓ee 知, 你係唔係他信的親信呀?? 
no wonder all the other cats start to mess up the place when u join them!!  haha, must be a protest! 
[版主回覆04/18/2009 00:51:00]Haha, funny.  Just now I found out that one of my cats pee and poo on my blanket and mattress.  A real disaster this time!  Protest begins!
I got to buy new ones tomorrow.  This has not happened for five years when one of my cats pooed on my blanket while she was having diarrhea in her babyhood.

BB 提到...

真係好似呀, 你試下同佢講泰文 - 沙華 de cup , 睇下寶寶有冇反應??
[版主回覆04/21/2009 18:20:00]哈哈, 咕咕澳洲黎, 我同佢講英文佢都無反應.

Yiu Yiu 提到...

oh no, that's terrible they mess up the blanket and mattress.  You know, there is a mattress protecting cover sold in Ikea.  You'd better buy that one to cover the new mattress, just in case. 
[版主回覆04/21/2009 18:19:00]I bought two protecting covers yesterday.  Now my bed is saved.
Yesterday, the cat pooed on their little sleeping basket.  Luckily, there is a very large towel putting inside, I just dumped the towel.
I know they are expressing their dissatisfaction, but when will these stop!!!

Sam 提到...

會唔會係暹羅貓mix家貓 ??
[版主回覆04/21/2009 18:17:00]我都覺得佢有暹羅貓血統, 個樣有d似.

BabyJo 提到...

He look more like a 暹羅貓 to me! what a sweetie!
[版主回覆04/23/2009 09:53:00]He got a very sweet characteristic too!  Though his existence causes much trouble at home, I'm not giving him away.  Now I'm able to pat and carry him whenever I want to.  I feel so contented as this was completely impossible at the very beginning.

AutumnRays 提到...

Hello! 原來你家寶寶同我家林柿個樣好似喎,我收養佢時,個負責人同我講係英短黎架,我都好疑惑,因為我未見過咁靚的朱古力色同灰藍色的眼珠,不過唔理係咩貓,我諗你都一定會好錫寶寶既~~
[版主回覆06/08/2009 09:11:00]咦, 咁岩? 我都唔知寶寶係咩黎架, 佢係唔知點解走左出街, 我執佢返屋企養架 好開心呀! 有貓貓同寶寶似樣!