昨天上午11時左右, 我離家上班時, 外面竟然陽光普照, 於是決定就在這天還Cha Cha自由.
其實本來早在四天前就打算放他, 但天公不造美, 連下了幾天雨, 我不想他在下雨天的日子去熟悉這一帶環境, 於是一拖再拖.
最後替Cha Cha再拍照.
不過上班時, 我真的很掛念他, 不知道他怎麼樣, 能否習慣我住那區的生活.
到晚上十時多我放工回家, 見到鄰居姐姐在逗皮皮玩耍, 她問我是否放了 Cha Cha, 因為她剛才見到Cha Cha 回來吃東西, 又見到他在另一家的花園出現.
太好了! Cha Cha果然認得回家的路, 這樣我就不用擔心他.
今天我洗乾淨貓籠之後, 仍然放在花園, 吃的喝的還會繼續準備, 因為我知道Cha Cha一定會回來.
6 則留言:
oh, so you will release the cat and let her go and let her come back if she wishes? so she will be like a street cat with a home (if she wants to come back?). Now I see what is the plan about... and do you have to take her for de-sex operation? I remember some of my friends doing "cat volunteers" have to use the cage to catch the cat (after gaining the trust) and then take the cat for de-sex operation. But I guess it is different from what you are doing.
[版主回覆04/21/2009 23:25:00]Cha Cha was taken for desex soon after she was rescued from the government department by the volunteer. The plan is to move him to a new place for him to live freely because if he is released back to the original place where he was caught, he will be caught again as the cartaker of that housing estate will call people to come. I was chosen because they want someone's house with a garden so that Cha Cha can get used to the outdoor environment. If Cha Cha is not yet desexed, I won't take him cos' there are other cats nearby. I never expect him to get used to the new environment so soon. That's great to know he comes back. I even saw him tonight myself. He comes back at night for dinner.
What a good news!!
Well Done!!!!
[版主回覆04/23/2009 09:47:00]He gets used to the new environment much better than I think.
Great! He know his way home so that is a good sign! Hope he is enjoying it all! You are great
[版主回覆04/23/2009 09:50:00]It's Cha Cha who's smart enough. I shouldn't be earning any credit. Tell you one more thing. On the second night after he was released, I saw him coming back for dinner. We were so excited cos' we really saw him ourselves.
You gave him a good home with food, that is really a beautiful act. I hope he keep coming back every night!
[版主回覆04/23/2009 16:42:00]Thank you so much, and I do hope he keeps on staying in my garden at night.
oh, he even come back at nite for dinner... it is touching and sweet. Cha Cha is really lucky to have u taking care of him... if the other street cats know (if they can talk and spread the news around), that will be great. Just think about how many poor cats around will be saved.... you are a wonderful person!!
[版主回覆04/24/2009 00:56:00]If they spread out the news, I'll be bankrupted. Haha!
Don't praise me. I'm just doing what I should do. Any one who loves animals will never hesitate to help them.
請問cha cha仲係咪每晚番你度開飯呢?
[版主回覆05/03/2009 18:35:00]Heehee, 你話呢