2009年7月25日 星期六


昨晚我臨睡前, 餵Shomo多吃一次antibiotics, 這是第一次我自己抱著他用針筒餵藥, 沒想到他把藥(漿狀)完全吐出來, 還吐到一手都是, 我立即抱著他跑到廁所清潔.

入到廁所後, 他還要把口中餘下的藥都吐出來. 抺乾淨後, 我抱他返入房間, 也許因為跑出跑入折騰了, 入到房間他嘔吐大作, 嘔了兩次, 把我們花了大半小時餵他的晚餐全吐出來.

我立即清潔地方 (作為七隻貓貓的媽媽, 不消一, 兩分鐘就把現場還原了), 只是, 我不禁哭了, 這是Shomo生病以來我第一次哭, 我覺得沮喪, 很辛苦, 才第二天我就支持不到, 因為要force feed真的很難很難, Shomo又極度不合作, 我餵他時經常跟他說: 「Shomo你這樣是慢性自殺啊!」 「你再不吃就會死了.」

我的正能量沒有了, 餵得辛苦時我就會大力打Shomo pat pat, 我氣他不合作, 我氣他沒由來不吃東西....


4 則留言:

Mimi 提到...

加油同take care啊!!!

BB 提到...

大點不要放棄 大點要加油呀!!!
[版主回覆07/27/2009 22:52:00]放心, 我一定會.

Yiu Yiu 提到...

oh, I m sorry to hear this.
Be strong... don't give up
it is a tough time for the family but they need mama's support. 
Let us know if there's anything we can help. 
P.S. do u want to buy a bigger syringe for feeding?  remember I used the one for bakery when Yiu Yiu was sick and refused to eat.
Let me know.. I can help u to get one.  It makes feeding much faster (but of course, you need to be 恨心 to force feed).  we are less frustrated feeding with the big syringe.
Let me know if there's anything I can help .  I have sent my mobile phone to u separately.
[版主回覆07/27/2009 22:52:00]We found a better way to force feed Shomo and now it's much easier.  I can finish a meal in 15 mins.  Before, we got to spend half an hour.
I also have a big syringe too.  It really helps a lot in injecting the food into smaller syringes.
Thank you so much.  I really hope you can hear good news from me soon.

W 提到...

Oh my dear,
I know how you feel. You are doing everything you could for Shomo. Whenever you feel down, please only think of the happy memories you have with Shomo. And tell yourself that he is going to get better. No matter what you will help him to get better. He IS going to get better! Keep your chin up. You are doing a great job. You have been such a great mum to Shomo. He will get better. Hugs!