2010年1月7日 星期四


大點是個超級咖啡精, 最瘋狂時試過一天四杯, 現在年紀大了, 當然不行, 況且空著肚子喝會胃痛的.

我不愛Starbucks, 因為如果你是個超級咖啡迷, 會知道Starbucks的咖啡其實不好喝, 試試他們的house blend就知道. 所以為何Starbucks的咖啡有那麼多口味, 什麼caramel, green tea, ginger…若不是這樣, 淡淡的咖啡誰會買.

不過我也有一隻私家的Starbucks tumbler, 每次帶著它去買咖啡, 可以省$3 (剛好是加一個shot的價錢), 我買Starbucks 咖啡, 不論什麼味道都一定要double shot, 可想而知其咖啡既不香, 也不濃.
從環保角度出發, 常光顧Starbucks的你, 也應該擁有一隻tumbler, 喝廿多杯咖啡就回本了, 而且不用浪費那麼多紙杯.

See! My favourite blue 2008 Christmas edition (tall size).

我平日在家是用這部Nespresso的. 咖啡機價錢是有點貴, 也不過是千多二千元, 相比很多貴價expresso機, 又不算太貴. 好處是方便, 只需放一粒capsule入機內, 按制就可品嘗香味濃郁的咖啡.
家中另有一部expresso咖啡機, 要手動磨豆的, 但買了Nespresso後, 那部expresso機封了塵.

這是我家的Nespresso 機 (blue again!). 旁邊一瓶是不同口味的capsule!

至於在office, 還未捨得多買一部Nespresso, 因此也隨意得多. 在無印良品買了一set coffee dripper 連 filter paper, 簡簡單單也能做到一杯不錯的咖啡.

甚至更懶喝即溶的 (現在沒有了, 真的差很遠)

有沒有同道中人跟我say hi呢?

8 則留言:

波子頭 提到...

你最鍾意藍色呀?我之前都買左好幾個starbucks mug同tumbler,買tumbler又送一杯野飲,都幾好 係啦,飲得多其他咖啡真係對starbucks越來越唔滿意,宜家去都只係飲green tea latte, btw, 咩係double shot呀?
[版主回覆01/09/2010 00:01:00]starbucks咖啡,short同tall size 會有一份咖啡份量,grande會有兩份咖啡,否則會太淡 如果你嫌淡,可以叫double, 即係short / tall 佢用雙倍咖啡份量去整,會濃過single,但要俾$3 per shot。 係呀,我勁鍾意藍色,所以呢個blog 同我既留言全部都係藍色架。

波子頭 提到...

原來係咁,幾好喎, 我都唔知tim
[版主回覆01/09/2010 00:36:00]下次試下叫杯double green tea latte, 試下會唔會好D!(記住帶你隻tumbler,唔使額外俾錢)

HK 提到...

Hi, I am the first time to leave message here. I like coffee too but not to the extent to buy the Nespresso Machine. I got 3 Starbucks Tumbler, which are with different sizes. This is for environmental friendly! Agree with you that Starbucks in fact doesn't taste very good. Just convenient!
[版主回覆01/10/2010 15:12:00]So you're still buying from Starbucks?  Actually, their coffee is quite expensive. Nepresso machine is pricey, but it costs only around $5 for one capsule.  It tastes much much better than Starbucks coffee.

阿寶 提到...

我只係每朝早餐飲一杯茶餐廳的咖啡, 假日就飲即溶的.
[版主回覆01/10/2010 15:14:00]係呀, 由細飲到大, 鬼咁死多要求, 飲飲下又覺得有奶唔好飲, 過一排又覺得甜咖啡唔好飲, 而家幾乎要飲齋啡先okay. 我受唔到茶記熱咖啡d味, 所以去茶記一定要凍啡 (仲要少甜少奶, 煩到嘔).

愛漫遊的OL 提到...

[版主回覆01/11/2010 14:50:00]我就唔飲得酒,少少都係好得,不過就慶幸自己飲到咖啡,要我揀,我都揀咖啡,太愛啦! 你記住飽肚飲呀!

Deer 提到...

Yeah, Give me 5!  I love coffee too, but limit myself not to hv more than 2 cups / day.
I normally buy Starbucks coffee in the bag --"Verona" is my favourite.  Their brew coffee is not strong in taste, so i will buy the coffee bean and brew in the office only!
I don't really need to have coffeee during weekend! So, decided not to buy a Nespresso Machine at home! An excuse to SAVE!
[版主回覆01/11/2010 14:52:00]I really enjoy my cupssssss of coffee during weekend because I can have real good coffee which is not available when I go to work.

Anonymous 提到...

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RMS 提到...

我都係一名咖啡精,以前一日 3-4 杯,但現在唔敢飲太多。幸運地,我 office 有部咖啡機。
[版主回覆01/11/2010 15:44:00]太好啦,又有知音人!羨慕你office有咖啡機,好方便呀!