2009年8月28日 星期五


大家有搜集東東的習慣嗎? 小時候, 大家也有搜集過郵票, 糖紙等吧.

人大了, 身邊的朋友搜集的東西, 大多變成不同牌子的化妝品, 護膚品, 指甲油...一櫃都是, 簡直歎為觀止.

不過我懷疑我有一位網友, 嗜好是搜集飛甩雞毛的鞋子, 她在兩個月內一共搜羅了九對雞毛鞋, 成為blog友們之間一時的佳話. (如果你見到這篇網誌, 快點出來招認!)

至於我, 另類一點:


這是咕咕的乳齒, 他小時候, 有一次與他玩完逗貓棒, 在玩具上發現的

寶寶的指甲外層, 一次意外後發現的

最得意之作: 來自不同成員的貓鬚, 哈哈, 花了好一點時間才搜集了這麼多, 這些絕對是我寶貝的寶貝

還須繼續努力, 增加我的collection!

4 則留言:

Yiu Yiu 提到...

I will give u my wisdom teeth..
I am also a Cat and you can collect my teeth as well. haha
P.S.  I m seeing Deer tmr ah
[版主回覆08/29/2009 00:45:00]Oh!  You're here and you're not gonna admit anything, huh!
I have a hot pot gathering with Deer and other BE friends before.  Guess you're taking the shoes to her.

冷 提到...

[版主回覆08/29/2009 00:46:00]嘻嘻! 呢d係貓貓成長既見證!

Deer 提到...

Yeah...Add oil to collect more ...hahah  
I like " 貓鬚"... looks really cute!
So happy now as I got the shoe today...it perfectly fit! Thx to 飛甩雞毛 collector!
[版主回覆08/29/2009 23:26:00]Yes.  貓鬚 is really cute, and it's not easy to collect because cats don't always drop their 貓鬚. Glad to know you got the pair of nice shoes.  Hope I'll get mine next time when our Ferragamo collector go to Singapore again!

W 提到...

我想問吓如果小貓的貓鬚成日斷(snap off)係咪唔健康呢?
[版主回覆09/03/2009 21:17:00]應該無大問題, 除非斷得好厲害, 淨返兩三條, 其實好似人掉頭髮咁, 遲d都會生返.